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Pr. Kloczko teaching Tolkien and Elvish at the Free University of Brussels


The World Elvish Language Association (WELA) was created in 2018 and stems from the will of Pr. Edouard Kloczko to bring together all those who have an interest in the study of the Elvish languages constructed by J.R.R. Tolkien. Over the years the Association has grown, and today is made up of a team of linguists, teachers and scholars dedicated to the study and advancement of the Elvish languages based on the recognition of the genius and uniqueness of J.R.R. Tolkien, who brought to life not one but many Elvish languages. He imagined them in a complex social and historical context, conceived their evolution and mutual influences through the ages of his Secondary World and provided his Elves with alphabets and systems of writing of great beauty. The WELA aims to study and spread this unique creation, addressing the widest possible audience. The WELA is open to linguists and fans alike and is committed to supporting and guiding scholars in their studies.

The task of the WELA is not just to study but we aim also to defend and preserve Tolkien's ‘creation’. Many false information concerning the Elvish languages and alphabets have spread over the years, while many of Tolkien's linguistic texts remain unpublished to this day. Thus the need to safeguard and preserve the current state of knowledge, while awaiting for the publication of all of Tolkien's writings. This is a particularly difficult task in the present situation, but in which the WELA firmly believes. For this reason the WELA is always happy to welcome new members, in order to spread the knowledge of the true Elvish languages as conceived by Tolkien. These languages can and live outside the books and the Tolkien universe: they can become living languages of our World.

©2021 WELA - World Elvish Language Association

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